* Sea-Bird SBE19 Data File: * FileName = C:\Documents and Settings\Julie\estuaries ctd\20090509HC\20090509SHC18000.hex * Software Version 1.59 * Temperature SN = 2809 * Conductivity SN = 2809 * System UpLoad Time = May 9 2009 16:45:07 ** 20090509SHC18 * ds * SEACAT PROFILER V3.1b SN 2809 5/9/09 42:37.0 * strain gauge pressure sensor: SN = "193007," range = 1000 "psia," tc = -401 * clk = 32768.297 iop = 197 vmain = 10.8 vlith = 5.3 * mode = PROFILE ncasts = 10 * sample rate = 1 scan every 0.5 seconds * minimum raw conductivity frequency for pump turn on = 3261 hertz * pump delay = 40 seconds * samples = 7296 free = 79768 lwait = 0 msec * SW1 = C8 battery cutoff = 7.3 volts * number of voltages sampled = 4 * logdata = NO * S> * dh * cast 0 9-May 9:06:55 samples 0 to 943 sample rate = 1 scan every 0.5 seconds stop = switch off * S> # nquan = 16 # nvalues = 26 # units = specified # name 0 = prSM: "Pressure," Strain Gauge [db] # name 1 = t090C: Temperature "[ITS-90," deg C] # name 2 = c0mS/cm: Conductivity [mS/cm] # name 3 = sbeox0V: Oxygen "Voltage," SBE 43 # name 4 = wetStar: "Fluorescence," Wetlab Wetstar [mg/m^3] # name 5 = xmiss: Beam "Transmission," Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar [%] # name 6 = sbeox0ML/L: "Oxygen," SBE 43 "[ml/l]," WS = 1 # name 7 = sbeox0Mg/L: "Oxygen," SBE 43 "[mg/l]," WS = 1 # name 8 = sbeox0PS: "Oxygen," SBE 43 [% "saturation]," WS = 1 # name 9 = nbin: number of scans per bin # name 10 = sal00: Salinity [PSU] # name 11 = potemp090C: Potential Temperature "[ITS-90," deg C] # name 12 = sigma-t00: Density "[sigma-t," Kg/m^3 ] # name 13 = sigma-é00: Density "[sigma-theta," Kg/m^3] # name 14 = depSM: Depth [salt "water," "m]," lat = 48 # name 15 = flag: flag # span 0 = "1.000," 26 # span 1 = "8.7314," 11.2719 # span 2 = "28.323743," 32.268917 # span 3 = "2.0233," 3.0252 # span 4 = "2.9297," 18.2192 # span 5 = "52.9478," 91.3423 # span 6 = "3.74220," 6.20789 # span 7 = "5.34797," 8.87169 # span 8 = "55.93931," 94.88276 # span 9 = "2," 7 # span 10 = "24.3479," 30.1175 # span 11 = "8.7288," 11.2718 # span 12 = "18.4529," 23.3375 # span 13 = "18.4529," 23.3378 # span 14 = "0.992," 25.78 # span 15 = "0.0000e+00," 0.00E+00 # interval = decibars: 1 # start_time = May 9 2009 9:06:55 # bad_flag = -9.99E-29 # sensor 0 = Frequency 0 "temperature," "2809," 13-Dec-08 # sensor 1 = Frequency 1 "conductivity," "2809," "13-Dec-08," cpcor = -9.57E-08 # sensor 2 = Extrnl Volt 0 "Oxygen," "SBE," "primary," "1380," 24-Dec-08p # sensor 3 = Extrnl Volt 1 "transmissometer," "primary," "CST-482PR," 18-Apr-08 # sensor 4 = Extrnl Volt 2 WET "Labs," WETStar "fluorometer," "WSIS-785P," 22-Jan-08 # sensor 5 = Pressure "Voltage," "2809," 26-Dec-08 # datcnv_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:02," 7.18d # datcnv_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc18.hex c:\ctdtemp\2809.con # datcnv_skipover = 0 # datcnv_ox_hysteresis_correction = yes # filter_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:03," 7.18d # filter_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc18.cnv # filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.5 # filter_low_pass_tc_B = 2 # filter_low_pass_A_vars = c0mS/cm # filter_low_pass_B_vars = prSM # alignctd_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:04," 7.18d # alignctd_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc18.cnv # alignctd_adv = t090C "0.500," sbeox0V 4 # loopedit_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:05," 7.18d # loopedit_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc18.cnv # loopedit_minVelocity = 0.1 # loopedit_surfaceSoak: do not remove # loopedit_excl_bad_scans = yes # Derive_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:06," 7.18d # Derive_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc18.cnv c:\ctdtemp\2809.con # derive_time_window_docdt = seconds: 1 # derive_ox_tau_correction = yes # binavg_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:07," 7.18d # binavg_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc18.cnv # binavg_bintype = decibars # binavg_binsize = 1 # binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes # binavg_skipover = 0 # binavg_surface_bin = "no," min = "0.000," max = "0.000," value = 0 # Derive_date = May 21 2009 "08:18:08," 7.18d # Derive_in = c:\ctdtemp\509hc18.cnv c:\ctdtemp\2809.con # file_type = ascii *END* 1 11.2719 28.323743 3.0109 2.9297 52.9478 5.87682 8.39857 89.38602 2 24.3479 11.2718 18.4529 18.4529 0.992 0.00E+00 2 11.1473 29.473968 3.0252 3.5399 54.372 6.20789 8.87169 94.88276 7 25.5253 11.1471 19.386 19.386 1.983 0.00E+00 3 10.7439 30.320714 2.9444 10.8769 69.9044 5.67154 8.10519 86.53301 6 26.6256 10.7436 20.3055 20.3055 2.975 0.00E+00 4 10.1818 30.816705 2.8405 16.9533 75.0576 5.53226 7.90615 83.85317 4 27.5277 10.1814 21.0962 21.0963 3.966 0.00E+00 5 10.0287 30.988531 2.7764 18.2192 76.4346 5.37658 7.68368 81.36743 4 27.8141 10.0282 21.3432 21.3432 4.958 0.00E+00 6 9.9262 31.117002 2.7129 17.5873 77.405 5.25968 7.51661 79.5231 3 28.0205 9.9256 21.5198 21.5199 5.95 0.00E+00 7 9.796 31.309235 2.6689 16.3786 77.8747 5.20169 7.43373 78.5677 3 28.3134 9.7953 21.7682 21.7683 6.941 0.00E+00 8 9.6109 31.492709 2.6373 15.8296 78.856 5.15581 7.36818 77.72076 4 28.6433 9.6101 22.0539 22.0541 7.933 0.00E+00 9 9.5547 31.561216 2.5973 15.8426 80.1906 4.97468 7.10931 74.95148 4 28.7568 9.5538 22.151 22.1512 8.924 0.00E+00 10 9.4923 31.693767 2.5243 14.5875 81.63 4.69945 6.71598 70.79017 3 28.9402 9.4913 22.3037 22.3038 9.916 0.00E+00 11 9.3774 31.901614 2.4606 14.7472 82.2896 4.61776 6.59925 69.51785 3 29.2434 9.3763 22.5578 22.558 10.907 0.00E+00 12 9.3198 32.001548 2.404 13.4517 83.5971 4.40156 6.29027 66.24144 3 29.3916 9.3186 22.6823 22.6824 11.899 0.00E+00 13 9.2511 32.091244 2.3175 10.8685 84.2008 4.09803 5.85649 61.63804 3 29.5391 9.2498 22.8078 22.808 12.891 0.00E+00 14 9.0668 32.212969 2.2376 10.3562 84.8659 4.01647 5.73994 60.27113 3 29.8163 9.0654 23.0522 23.0524 13.882 0.00E+00 15 8.9582 32.265253 2.1833 9.6508 87.1833 3.95949 5.65851 59.32723 3 29.9607 8.9567 23.1813 23.1815 14.874 0.00E+00 16 8.923 32.268917 2.1351 7.4377 89.1765 3.81327 5.44954 57.10332 2 29.9938 8.9214 23.2123 23.2126 15.865 0.00E+00 17 8.8991 32.264347 2.0893 5.982 88.7189 3.77717 5.39796 56.53797 3 30.0088 8.8974 23.2277 23.2279 16.857 0.00E+00 18 8.8594 32.257043 2.0662 5.7789 89.4778 3.7946 5.42287 56.75787 3 30.0344 8.8576 23.2536 23.2538 17.848 0.00E+00 19 8.8409 32.254015 2.0514 5.865 89.8402 3.78093 5.40333 56.53434 3 30.0465 8.839 23.2658 23.2661 18.84 0.00E+00 20 8.8335 32.25513 2.0461 4.484 90.0663 3.81091 5.44618 56.97583 3 30.0535 8.8315 23.2724 23.2727 19.831 0.00E+00 21 8.831 32.251749 2.0431 4.719 90.0542 3.78757 5.41281 56.62289 3 30.0517 8.8289 23.2713 23.2716 20.823 0.00E+00 22 8.8278 32.251631 2.0321 4.8153 90.2796 3.74246 5.34835 55.94541 3 30.0539 8.8256 23.2735 23.2738 21.814 0.00E+00 23 8.8242 32.255428 2.0233 5.1226 90.2349 3.7422 5.34797 55.93931 3 30.0604 8.8219 23.2791 23.2795 22.806 0.00E+00 24 8.8124 32.251585 2.024 4.8444 90.9112 3.81301 5.44917 56.98475 4 30.0661 8.81 23.2853 23.2856 23.797 0.00E+00 25 8.7865 32.242355 2.0422 4.5299 90.9805 3.83733 5.48392 57.31942 4 30.0781 8.784 23.2985 23.2989 24.789 0.00E+00 26 8.7314 32.235681 2.0393 4.8318 91.3423 3.80467 5.43726 56.77589 7 30.1175 8.7288 23.3375 23.3378 25.78 0.00E+00